Albuquerque Journal
The links to the left should provide some info. about this city. Feel free to submit sites pertaining to the Albuquerque area. The focus is on native sites, tourist attractions, upcoming festivities & music. Albuquerque has some great native events that are coming up in December. The Indian National Finals Rodeo took place in December, the 6th thru the 9th. Check out the winners! A huge project that's going on in Albuquerque is the never ending road construction on interstates (40 & 25). If you're planning on coming out to Alb's, be sure to leave earlier to get to your destination (especially during rush hour). Several main roads have closed-off ramps. After 9pm on the interstates, you'll be directed to off streets with tons of detours !! Will update with upcoming events or spectaculars in the Albuquerque area. If you have events that you would like posted, email me & I'll post where I can. |
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