This is the infamous Bubba.
Adopted him in January of this year.
He's a Maine Coon - cross black & taupe tabby.
A little over 3 years old; seems like he's going on 30 something.
... and then some.
Those who have never cared for, or who don't
own felines seem to take a great liking to Bubba.
Imagine this: a Dine' Grandpa, medicine man, etc, etc.... who talks BABY TALK to a
*LOL* Ya gotta hear this great story about a cat that DAD & MOM once owned.
(...a continuation...)
I "GUESS" I was unborn or
since I have no recollection of a cat that existed in our rez household.
It wasn't until recent that I've had this special 'cat-ship' with MY BUBBA.
I was raised with 5 generations of Pit Bulls.
Thanks to three wonderful brothers.
A cat was never mentioned.
If you've been over for a visit lately, you know what I mean.
.....This is Bubba.....
The 29 gallon is inhabited by smaller freshwater fish. Also kept in it are live plants. Right now it consists of Scissortail Rasborras, 2 Plecostumes', 1 Bella Shark and a Loach. Planning to add fish in the very near future to add color & commotion.
2000 S.L. All rights reserved.
Photos may not be copied or republished without the consent of the owner.